Sunday, October 29, 2006

10/27/06 Part One - The GOOD...

i went to see Lisa Germano for the first time last night in brooklyn and am glad i did. i’ll get to that in a minute.

i had an overzealous night of music planned. first, lisa germano in brooklyn @ 8pm, then off to meet a friend for food before catching the second of two Love is All shows at Knitting Factory at 11pm! packed in a bit too tightly, you say? yes, maybe. but i figured i’d be fine cuz i’m a fuckin’ superhero.

i left home a bit later than i wanted to and had to catch the 6:20 train leaving from the new Brunswick train station. well, that’s when it should have left. in typical already-late-as-it-is fashion, it was running 15 minutes behind and managed to lose about ten more minutes on its way to Penn. and wouldn’t ya know, i showed up at Barbes at exactly 8:21 for an 8pm show. (thanks nj transit! actually, that arrival time was a miracle, as i usually get lost even on my way to places i’ve already been to. let me take the opportunity to pat myself on the back for not doing so to a place i’d never been to before. PAT PAT PAT. hey! not so hard. pat? ok, that’s better.)

at Barbes, i paid ten bucks for some guy w/ a black marker to draw on my hand, indicating my allowed entrance into their tiniest of performance spaces. but first... a drink! i decided not to consume alcohol until after i ate and just ordered a diet pepsi. the waitress brought over a diet coke and asked if it seemed too weak. i took my first sip and told her that it did, but that it was fine since i was thirsty as all hell. perhaps i should have kept that fragility to myself, as it left her feeling guilt-free in charging me 3 bucks for it before then informing someone that they needed more diet coke. glad i could help, Barbes. thanks for the ice water.

i walked through the red velvet drape that separated the bar from the ‘music venue.’ that’s pretty much all the walking i had to do. there was no room to go except that first step in. the tiny space was packed and i couldn’t see shit. well, it sounded like lisa, but i wasn’t sure. unfamiliar w/ the song being sung, i simply peeked my head out of the drape and asked the ‘doorman’ if that was, indeed, lisa that was already on. it was. again, thanks nj transit. i liked what i was listening to, but not being able to see any part of what might have been a stage or who was on it was so disheartening that i almost thought to ask for a discount on ticket price… at least for being the only participant in their coke taste challenge. but i quickly remembered that i’m not the type to cause such a fuss and stewed in my disappointment for a bit until i realized to just enjoy being in the presence of lisa germano: LIVE. so that’s what i did. i don’t like taking pictures when nobody else is, but i managed to steal 5 or 6 shots whenever i felt a jolt of boldness. sir PepBoyBigHead stood a few people in front of me and was the main reason i couldn’t see anything, but he eventually moved over enough for me to personally confirm that lisa was actually there. that was nice. until the woman in front of me decided to remove her jacket. granted, it was getting warm in there, but i was massively unprepared for the hearty musk her disrobement thrust up my nostrils. damn! how thick was her denim jacket to prevent such a foul stench from escaping the armpits of b.o. hell? i’m not kidding, folks. the smell burned my eyes. i would’ve given her the refund i deserved for the coke challenge just to put her jacket back on. but, i digress.

good tunes, good times. the show ended early around 9:20 to allow enough time for schmoozing before the 10pm show. as the crowd parted, i saw someone i’ve kept in touch with since meeting him at a metric show a year ago. he’s a spaz. no, not really. well, maybe. but he’ll probably be reading this and i want him to see me say so in print. he knows what i’m talking about. yes, you still look good and cute. i bet five pennies that, although my phone number is now in your cell, my name isn’t. oh! before i forget… happy belated bday to cyprus! she was there too. ok, so i chatted w/ the both of them for a while before going our separate ways outside the venue. lisa was also outside having a smoke. so, before my first visit to Barbes came to an end, i managed to meet her and get an autograph. more good times. it was only drizzling at this point, but a worse rain was soon to come…

1 comment:

CocteauBoy said...

Thank god I am your FAVORITE spaz... Riiiiggghhhhtt????
